May 25, 2021
Following George Floyd’s murder, a year ago today, Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC publicly recognized that “without the determined work of all Americans of good will, all forms of racial injustice will not end.” At that time, we re-committed ourselves “to educate, advocate and act to help America achieve a more just and equal society.” Today, we are called upon again to publicly and firmly condemn the unbroken pattern of racism that pervades our country threatening its democratic goals of equal justice and dignity and respect for every individual.
Stoll Keenon Ogden stands in solidarity with the Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. We are saddened by the historic rise in incidents of harassment and violence against AAPI individuals. In spite of recent media attention, including coverage of the horrific murders of six Asian American women in Atlanta, Georgia, on March 16, 2021, incidents of anti-Asian hate and harassment have continued to rise. Worse, physical attacks against the AAPI community – particularly the elderly – are expected to continue to increase as the country emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stoll Keenon Ogden recognizes that silence about anti-Asian hate is deeply painful to our AAPI employees, colleagues, clients, and neighbors and has contributed to the growing trend of harassment and violence against the AAPI community. Accordingly, we invite others to join us in learning about how anti-Asian discrimination pervades our communities and how we may aid in preventing the increase of attacks against the AAPI community. To begin, we suggest the following resources:
- To report incidents of anti-Asian harassment or violence, go to Stand Against Hatred or Act Now – Stop AAPI Hate;
- To learn how to intervene in an incident of anti-Asian harassment, go to Bystander Intervention Trainings – Advancing Justice-Chicago (;
- To learn how anti-Asian discrimination and COVID-19 has impacted the AAPI communities, go to #AsianAmCovidStories – YouTube or Working for equity and social justice? Know what your Asian colleague is experiencing – FAKEQUITY;
- To learn about or donate to efforts to combat anti-Asian hate, go to the Asian Americans Advancing Justice at AAJC | DonationPay or Stop AAPI Hate at Act Now – Stop AAPI Hate