Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC stands for equal justice under the law and dignity and respect for every individual.
We condemn the recent deeply-disturbing acts of hatred and violence in Kentucky and elsewhere that have shaken our nation. We recognize that the many tragic and senseless deaths in the recent past are, in fact, part of an unbroken pattern of racism that mars our country’s history and that must stop before our country can achieve the lofty, patriotic ideals upon which we were founded.
The recent tragedies make clear that, without the determined work of all Americans of good will, all forms of racial injustice will not end. We acknowledge the pain, frustration and anger that have erupted in the wake of these tragedies, historical and recent. We join those courageous voices that have cried, “enough is enough” and we hereby re-commit ourselves, as lawyers, to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law, including the First Amendment rights of free speech and assembly. We support the right of the American people to peaceably protest for systemic change to end racial inequality and injustice. We support the equal justice goals of the Black Lives Matter movement and its efforts to achieve those goals.
At SKO, we will continue to listen and learn but we also re-commit ourselves to educate, advocate and act to help America achieve a more just and equal society; we will continue to cultivate a diverse and inclusive culture and to create meaningful change in our communities. All people, regardless of race, religion, gender or sexuality, deserve dignity, equal treatment under the law and respect.
We see you. We hear you. We stand with you.